During the writing of my debut novel, Siege of the Northland, I distinctly remember stating that I wouldn’t be tweeting or blogging. And I meant it. However, I soon realised that this stance was fuelled primarily by fear. Indeed, I quite liked my anonymity regarding social media and constantly pushed the thought of promoting myself and my book to the darker recesses of my mind. The thought did, quite literally, send shivers down my spine.
But then the book is complete. It’s tangible. It has a cover you’ve fallen in love with, by a designer you greatly admire; it has been edited and proofread within an inch of its life; you’ve had a professional photographer capture that author profile and a talented web-designer build your site…
So there you are ready to push that return key with a shaky finger and get that show on the road. And when I say, if I can do it, anyone can, I truly mean it.
As an author, whether you are independently or traditionally published, you are expected nowadays to promote and market your book via some form(s) of social media. Whilst I am still very much a novice at this, I can clearly see how engaging with others online can turn the odds in your favour in gaining visibility for your story.
And now I have a confession – I’m actually enjoying it!
I don’t know whether Sean Connery ever said ‘never’ to a choice film role again, and then changed his mind, but I’ll be doing my best to keep an open mind when new challenges arise – bungee jumping excluded, of course!
So at the cost of over-doing the clichés, I’m afraid it’s a simple case of ‘feel the fear and do it anyway.’
Reading Corner
I am listening to Jane Harris’ Gillespie and I, and I am hooked.
I have a habit of jotting down book recommendations and I can’t honestly say when or where I came across this, but the prose is captivating and the characters are being beautifully built. I hope to review this on completion.
Currently on my bedside table is Bernard Cornwell’s The Flame Bearer, the latest book in The Last Kingdom series. Would happily recommend this from the rooftops!